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Greater Sudbury is geographically the largest municipality in Ontario and the second largest in Canada. We have 330 lakes, over 200 kilometres of multi-use trails, an urban downtown, large scale industrial and mining settings, quaint residential neighbourhoods and a film-friendly community. Greater Sudbury has doubled for large metropolitan areas, the prairies, small town USA and has even played as itself on a number of occasions.

Your Tour of Sudbury

Let us take you on a tour our city! We will work with you and our local scouting professionals to find the perfect locations for your film or television project with customized image packages and virtual or in-person tours.

Discover what Greater Sudbury has to offer visiting film and television crews in terms of our extensive hosting amenities, locations, attractions and support services.

List Your Property for Filming

We are always on the lookout for unique locations for filming. If you wish to offer your property for potential film projects and want us to know about it, please contact the Film Officer at [email protected] or at 705-674-4455 ext. 2478

To learn more about what to expect when your home or business becomes a film set, read Your Property in a Starring Role.

Our partners at the provincial film commission, Ontario Creates, promote locations provincewide to visiting productions. For more information, please visit the Ontario Creates Locations Library.

If you have been approached by a production or received a scouting letter expressing interest in your property and have concerns, please feel free to call the Sudbury Film Office to confirm legitimacy.

On-location Filming in Your Neighbourhood

Production companies recognize that they are guests in your neighbourhood and typically work directly with residents and business to resolve concerns. Should you have a concern about filming, we encourage you to contact the production’s Location Manager as a first step. Location Managers are typically onsite or have contact with crews working onsite who are able to respond to your concern. Contact details for Location Managers are listed on the filming notification letter, or you can approach a member of the crew and ask them to have the Location Manager contact you directly.

The Location Manager is the member of the production responsible for managing the site during filming and minimizing impacts to the community. It is important that they are made aware of any issues or concerns so that these can be resolved quickly.

The Sudbury Film Office can also assist with concerns and questions about productions. If you have any concerns about filming in your neighbourhood, please contact the film office at 705-674-4455 extension 2478 or [email protected]

The Greater Sudbury Film Guidelines provide a step-by-step guide to filming in our city, including when on-location filming would require a film permit.