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Moving to a new province or country can be a little intimidating, especially if this is your first time making a major move of this kind. Canada and Ontario both welcome newcomers, and we want to help make your move as easy and stress-free as possible.

We are part of a country that celebrates diversity, multiculturalism, and mutual respect for all our citizens.

Sudbury is proud to welcome you to what we believe is one of the greatest cities in our nation.  We know you you feel right at home and we will make sure you do.  Sudbury has also been named a francophone welcoming community by the IRCC.

Our community

Sudbury is situated within traditional Ojibwe lands. We have the third largest Francophone population in Canada (outside of Quebec), and are home to people of many different ethnic backgrounds. We have large populations of residents with Italian, Finnish, Polish, Chinese, Greek and Ukrainian ancestry, making us one of the most diverse, multilingual and multicultural communities in Canada.

Moving to Sudbury

We can help you make your move to Sudbury and direct you to the resources you’ll need before you leave and after you first arrive in Canada or Ontario.

The Ontario government provides guidelines to make sure you have everything you need to Get Settled in Ontario. You can also contact local settlement organizations to get help and start connecting with the community. The YMCA, and the Sudbury Multicultural Folk Art Association are great places to begin, and both have newcomer settlement programs for when you first arrive. If you prefer to receive services in French, Collège Boréal, Centre de santé communautaire du Grand Sudbury (CSCGS) and Réseau du Nord can help.

Get more information on moving to Ontario and Canada on their government websites which provide more details on settlement services and options.

Free Resources