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Open GSDC Opportunities


RCIP/FCIP Community Selection Committee Guidelines

The Rural Community Immigration Pilot (RCIP) and Francophone Community Immigration Pilot (FCIP) programs are community-driven immigration programs, which are designed to spread the benefits of economic immigration to smaller communities by creating a path to permanent residence for skilled foreign workers who want to work and live in Greater Sudbury.

The programs seek to use immigration to help meet local labour market needs and support regional economic development, as well as create welcoming environments to support new immigrants living in rural and Francophone minority communities.

As part of the RCIP and FCIP programs, the Greater Sudbury Development Corporation is identifying new members for Community Selection Committees (CSC) for both programs. The CSC is responsible for reviewing applications from employers seeking to support candidates through the RCIP and FCIP programs. CSC members also help to ensure program integrity by assessing employer applications and making recommendations to staff and providing decisions. With staff support, the CSC will also provide policy guidance to the GSDC Board in order to help identify labour market priorities for both the RCIP and FCIP programs, for the Greater Sudbury region.

The CSCs are supported by the City’s Economic Development staff who screen employers, ensure all necessary documents are collected, and assemble information for the CSC’s review.

We are seeking a pool of committee members to participate in on-going CSC reviews for both the RCIP and FCIP Programs, from April 2025 to April 2026.

  • Must be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident;
  • Must reside in Greater Sudbury, French River, St. Charles, Markstay-Warren, Killarney or Gogama;
  • Ability to review and analyze sensitive information;
  • Ability to make sound decisions involving varied levels of complexity, ambiguity and risk;
  • Ability to be unbiased and objective, develop and evaluate various alternatives, and consider the short and long-term impact of decisions;
  • Ability to communicate effectively;
  • Ability to handle sensitive and confidential information;
  • Not be an employer that was found to be non-compliant as per the IRCC’s website;
  • Not be affiliated with an organization that has been found to have provided fraudulent documents or made misrepresentations in relation to the RNIP, RCIP or FCIP programs; and
  • Verbal and written fluency in French for the FCIP program only.

Preference will be given to CSC applicants who represent a large number of businesses in Greater Sudbury (such as non-profit employment agencies, employer advocacy and support organizations, or industry associates), medium or large-sized businesses (100+ employees), Francophones, as well as those who demonstrate a good understanding of Greater Sudbury’s overall labour market and jobs that are in demand in the Region.

  • Recommend employers for participation in the RCIP and/or FCIP programs based on local labour market needs, employer compliance, and their demonstrated need for foreign recruitment;
  • Assess staff recommendations to ensure program integrity;
  • Participate in RCIP and/or FCIP interviews, as needed;
  • Provide feedback on RCIP and/or FCIP community and employer evaluation criteria;
  • Ensure that all decisions related to recommendations adhere to the Ontario Human Rights Code;
  • Conduct themselves with integrity, objectivity, impartiality and discretion at all times; and
  • Where a conflict of interest arises, adhere to the “Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Guidelines – Sudbury Rural Community Immigration Pilot (RCIP) and Francophone community Immigration Pilot (FCIP) Programs”.
  • Each CSC member’s term will commence on April 1, 2025 and run until March 31, 2026, unless otherwise extended by resolution of GSDC Board;
  • The terms for GSDC Board Members on the CSC will be updated annually in June as part of the AGM
  • CSC members who miss three (3) consecutive calls for participation may be asked to step down from the committee, after consultation with staff;
  • Review of applications is completed online via email and voting platform; and
  • Quorum shall be simple majority (50% plus 1) of the CSC members present at a meeting / vote, with a minimum of five (5) members in order to make quorum.

The expected time commitment is approximately thirty (30) minutes to one (1) hour every month.

This is a volunteer commitment.


The CSC will consist of employers, staff of designated support services, and GSDC board members. Community members interested in serving on the CSC are invited to submit their CV and letter of interest to [email protected] explaining their interest in becoming a Community Selection Committee member. As per federal government requirements, applicants may be asked to demonstrate proof of Citizenship / Permanent Residency.